Total Population: 1,156,897,766 (July 2009 est.), ranked #2 behind China (1,338,612,968).
Total Land and Water Area: 3,287,263 sq km, ranked #7 behind Brazil (8,514,877 sq km) and Australia (7,741,220 sq km).
Age Profile:
- 0-14 years: 30.5%
- 15-64 years: 64.3%
- 65 years and over: 5.2%
Median age is 25.3, Average life expectancy is 66.09 years, ranked #161 in world
53% Male
47 % Female
Ethnic groups: Indo-Aryan 72%, Dravidian 25%, Mongoloid and other 3% (2000)
Religions: Hindu 80.5%, Muslim 13.4%, Christian 2.3%, Sikh 1.9%, other 1.8%, unspecified 0.1% (2001 census)
Languages: Hindi 41%, Bengali 8.1%, Telugu 7.2%, Marathi 7%, Tamil 5.9%, Urdu 5%, Gujarati 4.5%, Kannada 3.7%, Malayalam 3.2%, Oriya 3.2%, Punjabi 2.8%, Assamese 1.3%, Maithili 1.2%, other 5.9%
School life expectancy (primary to tertiary education): 10 years
Literacy (defined as age 15 and over can read and write): 61% of the total population
Per Capita Gross National Income (at current prices in US Dollars):
$3,100, ranked #164
Gross Domestic Product Contribution by Economic Sector and Top Industries:
58.4% Services
25.8% Industry
15.8% Agriculture (2009 est.)
Industries: textiles, chemicals, food processing, steel, transportation equipment, cement, mining, petroleum, machinery, software, pharmaceuticals
1) Central Intelligence Agency World Fact Book